Saturday, June 28, 2008

Kaylas tooth has been loose FOREVER! Today Stacey (Jerry's sister) was over for Jerry's youth baseball teams she tied some dental floss around the tooth and pulled it out for her...she was all excited and then when it was out the fear set in...=) she didn't cry but looked like she could at any second. She is so excited to get her tooth under her pillow tonight for the tooth fairy.

this picture is showing Stacey getting ready to pull out the tooth

Here is the tooth (hard to see because it is so tiny)...and Kayla with some papertowels in her mouth
here's Kayla showing off the hole in her mouth
better pic. of her missing tooth
another pic. of her chocolate face and lost tooth!

1 comment:

momto2boys said...

WOW!! a lost tooth...Tanner will be soooo impressed!!! :) He can't wait to loose a tooth...means you are grown up! :)