Saturday, April 19, 2008

Madison was in her first parade as Wee Miss Grimesland. She LOVED it!! This was right up her alley. She threw candy...she smiled...she waved. She is definately a little ham.

Here she is waiting for the parade to start...she waited for a good hour time we will know not to get there so early!

Here she is next to the convertible we got (1976 big boat...Jerry said he needed a hat and cigar and he could have been boss hog!)

on the back throwing candy...and loving every minute of it...she hated to stop and have to pose for the camera....she just wanted to throw and wave.

just another pic. of Madison enjoying her first parade as Wee Miss Grimesland. I am so proud of her she did a super job! She was such a big girl!!

1 comment:

momto2boys said...

So pretty!! I love all the posts!!! :)